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compiled by

gari jenkins

What is the size of the organization?


What geographical area does it cover?
Local  Regional  Country  International
Does the organization provide many or a few services or products?
Which is better known?
The company name   The brand names of the products
Is the organization currently centralized or decentralized?
Are there lots of rules or very few?
What is the average proportion of managers to workers?
How do you communicate?
Verbally    Written messages     Electronic mail
Does the organization offer the same service all the time?
Does almost every order require a different process?

How is the organization structured now?

Functional    Geographical   Product   Matrix     Mixed
What is the average span of control (span of control = the number of people managed by each manager) at each level in the hierarchy of the business?
Are there rational reasons for the differences between levels in the hierarchy?
Why or why not?
How many direct supports does the leader have?
Does the culture encourage communications?
What is the total number of employees?
What is the total number of operators, meaning people with direct “doing” jobs?
What is the total number of supervisors and managers?
Can you design a structure which decreases the number of managers?
(Use a spare blank sheet)
What are the major advantages of your design?
What are the major disadvantages of your design?



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