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compiled by

gari jenkins

Title Page

Name of company, date, contact information, etc.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  1. Business Concept
  2. Company
  3. Market Potential
  4. Management Team
  5. Distinct Competencies
  6. Required Funding and its Use
  7. Exit Strategy

Main Sections

Company Description

  • Mission Statement
  • Summary of Activity to Date
  • Current Stage of Development
  • Competencies
  • Product or Service
    • Description
    • Benefits to customer
    • Differences from current offerings
  • Objectives
  • Keys to Success
  • Location and Facilities

Industry Analysis

  • Entry Barriers
  • Supply and Distribution
  • Technological Factors
  • Seasonality
  • Economic Influences
  • Regulatory Issues

Market Analysis

  • Definition of Overall Market
  • Market Size and Growth
  • Market Trends
  • Market Segments
  • Targeted Segments
  • Customer Characteristics
  • Customer Needs
  • Purchasing Decision Process
  • Product Positioning


  • Profiles of Primary Competitors
  • Competitors' Products/Services & Market Share
  • Competitive Evaluation of Product
    • Distinct Competitive Advantage
    • Competitive Weaknesses
  • Future Competitors

Marketing and Sales

  • Products Offered
  • Pricing
  • Distribution
  • Promotion
    • Advertising and Publicity
    • Trade Shows
    • Partnerships
    • Discounts and Incentives
  • Sales Force
  • Sales Forecasts


  • Product Development
    • Development Team
    • Development Costs
    • Development Risks
  • Manufacturing (if applicable)
    • Production Processes
    • Production Equipment
    • Quality Assurance
    • Administration
  • Key Suppliers
  • Product / Service Delivery
  • Customer Service and Support
  • Human Resource Plan
  • Facilities

Management and Organization

  • Management Team
  • Open Positions
  • Board of Directors
  • Key Personnel
  • Organizational Chart

Capitalization and Structure

  • Legal Structure of Company
  • Present Equity Positions
  • Deal Structure
  • Exit Strategy

Development and Milestones

Time may be specified on a relative scale rather than specific calendar dates. Milestones may include some or all of the following:

  • Financing Commitments
  • Product Development Milestones
    • Prototype
    • Testing
    • Launch
  • Signing of Significant Contracts
  • Achievment of Break-even Performance
  • Expansion
  • Additional Funding
  • Any other significant milestones

Risks and Contingencies

Some common risks include:

  • Increased competition
  • Loss of a key employee
  • Suppliers' failure to meet deadlines
  • Regulatory changes
  • Change in business conditions

Financial Projections

  • Assumptions (Start date, commissions, tax rates, average inventory, sales forecasts, etc.)
  • Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement)
  • Break Even Analysis
  • Key Ratio Projections (quick ratio, current ratio, D/E, D/A, ROE, ROA, working capital)
  • Financial Resources
  • Financial Strategy

Summary and Conclusions


May include:

  • Management Resumes
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Sales Projections
  • Any other supporting documents

Claverton Examples

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