Investors in People is
the national Standard which sets a level of good practice for training and
development of people to achieve business goals. The Standard was developed
during 1990 by the National Training Task Force in partnership with leading
national business, personnel, professional and employee organisations and
provides a national framework for improving business performance and
competitiveness, through a planned approach to setting and communicating
business objectives and developing people to meet these objectives. The result,
is that what people can do and are motivated to do, matches what the
organisation needs them to do. The process is cyclical and should engender the
culture of continuous improvement.
The Investors in People Standard is based on four key principles:
Commitment to invest in people to achieve business goals
Planning how skills, individuals and teams are to be developed to achieve these
Taking action to develop and use necessary skills in a well defined and
continuing programme directly tied to business objectives
Evaluating outcomes of training and development for individuals' progress
towards goals, the value achieved and future needs.
These four key principles are a cyclical process and are broken down into 12
indicators, against which organisations wishing to be recognised as an 'Investor
in People' will be assessed.
Achieving the Standard
Being recognised as an 'Investor in People' involves a number of steps:
Understanding the Standard and its
strategic implications for your organisation
Undertaking a review against the
Standard to identify any gaps in current practice
Making the commitment to meet the
Standard and communicating that commitment to all members of staff
Planning and taking action, to bring
about change
Bringing together the evidence for
assessment against the Standard
Achievement or recognition as an
Investor in People
Working to keep the culture of
continuous improvement alive.
The practical benefits of working towards
and achieving the Standard are many. They include:
earnings, productivity and profitability. Skilled and motivated
people work harder and better. Productivity will improve. Extra effort will be
made to close sales and a positive impact will be seen on the bottom line.
costs and wastage. Skilled and motivated people constantly examine
their work to contribute to reducing costs and wastage.
Enhanced quality investing in people significantly improves the results of
quality programmes. Investors in People adds considerable value to BS 5750, ISO
9000 and other total quality initiatives.
motivation through greater involvement, personal development and
recognition of achievement, motivation is improved. This leads to higher morale,
improved retention rates, reduced absenteeism, readier acceptance of change and
identification with the organisation beyond the confines of the job.
satisfaction. Investing in People is central to helping employees
become customer focused. Thus enabling the organisation to effectively meet
customer needs at a profit.
recognition. Investor in People status brings public recognition for
real achievements measured against a rigorous National Standard. Being an
Investor in People helps to attract the best quality job applicants. It may also
provide a reason for customers to choose specific goods and services.
advantage through improved performance, Investor in People
organisations develop a competitive edge.
The additional organisational benefits to accrue from the Standard are:
- the opportunity to review current policies and
practices against a recognised benchmark
- a framework for planning future strategy and action
- a structured way to improve the effectiveness of
training and development activities
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