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compiled by

gari jenkins


Clear goals/purpose:

Members can describe and are committed to a common purpose. Team goals incorporate individual goals, are cooperative by established and are understood by all. Strategies for achieving goals are clear

Effective communication:

Communication is two-way, direct and open.  Feelings, ideas and opinions are expressed openly and honestly & members actively listen to each other. Differences of opinion and perspective are valued

Team-centred leadership:

Participation and leadership are distributed among all team members based on the resources each brings to the team.  Accomplishing the task, maintaining relationships and developing as a team are the agreed priorities

Effective decision making procedures:



Decision making methods are matched to the situation.  Consensus is used for important decisions, whilst less critical decisions or those which need to be made quickly are individual responsibilities.  Involvement and team discussion is encouraged

Equitable power and influence:

Influence is a result of information, ability and expertise.  Harmonizing occurs, to make sure individual goals are being fulfilled.  Power is distributed based on expertise not position

Effective environment

The team manages environmental logistics effectively

Constructive conflict:

Conflict of ideas and controversy are believed to have positive effects on member’s involvement, the quality and originality of decisions and team development


Team norms have been established to preserve individuality, facilitate total participation and discourage self-oriented behaviors

Effective problem solving:

The team uses problem solving techniques effectively to solve the problems they encounter

Team maintenance:

Members take responsibility for evaluating the team’s effectiveness and deciding how to improve its functioning on both a content and process level.  when problems arise in the team, members work together to analyze the problems, decide on solutions and implement a plan


Members perform different roles and functions as needed and share responsibility for team leadership and team development. Members are adaptable to changing demands. Various ideas and approaches are explored

Interpersonal effectiveness:

Individual members are able to interact effectively on a one-to-one level and within the context of a team.  Team members are good questioners and listeners and can give and receive feedback

Supportive climate:

The atmosphere, which pervades is informal, supportive and friendly.  High levels of trust, support and acceptance exist.  Members want to continue as part of the team. Individual contributions are appreciated by the leader and other members. Team accomplishments are recognized by members and by the organization


Team Building

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