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compiled by

gari jenkins


see here for a presentation on > HighPerformingTeams.ppt


. . . . but all HPTs have the following characteristics:

  • Have a shared team vision

  • Are results focused

  • Have a shared commitment to action

  • Set Smart and Smut objectives

  • Have a ‘can do’ mentality

  • Have a self assessment and evaluation approach leading to learning - how are we doing, how can we do better

  • Have clear roles and responsibilities - match skills to roles, play to individuals strengths, are aware of weaknesses

  • Ensure team accountability and collective ownership

  • Communicate effectively and have processes in place

  • Are flexible and can change direction and roles

  • Have a team decision making approach - facilitated sessions

  • Have a strong planning process and set short and long term goals and review them

  • Are open and honest with each other

  • Set team ground rules

  • Have good leadership - sets targets, is inspiring, has good coaching skills, is challenging, communicates well, and leadership can move round for subjects

  • The team is a safe place - tolerate failure and mistakes, you don’t get ‘shopped’ outside the team

  • Are co-located

  • Listen to each other, seek advice from each other, are supportive of each other

  • Have high energy levels - a culture of go an extra mile and individuals who spark off each other

  • Accept external challenges and crisis

  • Are prepared to take risks

  • Have a ‘just do it’ approach - don’t always wait for authority

  • Are empowered - feel able to do it, believe they can do it, challenge the old and new

  • Have a creative tension and use it productively - it’s not always sweetness and light, not necessarily a team of friends

Team Building

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